Wishful Thinkers
Unreal 5

My role was Game designer in Quest design and Level Design.
Task to make a side quest for samsara, I called it Wishful Thinkers.
This was work experience for Infinity27 Skills Bootcamp
This was produce in Feb 2024

Samsara - Quest Wishful Thinkers
This was developed at Skills bootcamp using Infinity27's Samsara product as building materials.
My goal was to create an explorative area that gave player choice but was overall linear to complete the quest. I needed to ensure the scale was manageable to walk around in, but also giving a sense of wow of the size of the cave and attraction.
The quest is, the player must find keys to unlock the inner temple to obtain a wishing gem, to grant themselves a wish while on the journey meet characters that help inform them of the gem and its power, also giving additional choices to finishing the quest.
The Product

Gameplay Video

Here is the concept map and game flow.